Saturday, August 31, 2019

Utilitarian Ethics

OPTION â€Å"A† Write a ‘contrast' essay dealing with the major distinction between utilitarian and deontological reasoning. Make reference to all relevant aspects of the two positions including the ‘act' and ‘rule' versions along with pertinent examples that clarify your answer. The major distinction between Emmanual Kant’s deontological reasoning and Mill’s utilitarian reasonsing is that deontological reasoning refers to duty, which is usually determined without regard to circumstances or consequences where as utilitarian reasoning always considers circumstances and consequences.A good case can be made that classic deontological theories, like Kan't categorical imperative, are just utilitarian theories very well disguised. Utilitarianism: Utilitarianism is an ethical system that is most often attributed to philosophers such as John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham. Utilitarianism believes that the most ethical thing to do is to maximize the happ iness within a society. Utilitarian’s believe that actions have calculable outcomes and that ethical choices have outcomes which lead to the most happiness to the most members of a society.Utilitarianism is often considered a consequentialist philosophical outlook because it both believes that outcomes can be predicted and because it judges actions based on their outcomes. Thus, utilitarianism is often associated with the phrase ‘the ends justify the means. ‘ Deontology: Deontology is an alternative ethical system that is usually attributed to the philosophical tradition of Immanuel Kant. Whereas utilitarianism focuses on the outcomes, or ends, of actions, deontology demands that the actions, or means, themselves must be ethical.Deontologists argue that there are transcendent ethical norms and truths that are universally applicable to all people. Deontology holds that some actions are immoral regardless of their outcomes; these actions are wrong in and of themselv es. Kant gives a categorical imperative to act morally at all times. The categorical imperative demands that humans act in a way that their actions can be universalized into a general rule of nature. Kant believes that all people come to moral conclusions about right and wrong based on rational thought.Deontology is roughly associated with the maxim ‘the means must justify the ends. ‘ The conflict illustrated: A classic example illustrates the conflict between these two ethical systems. Suppose an evil villain holds you and ten other people at gunpoint and tells you that she will kill all ten of your fellow prisoners unless you kill one of them yourself. You have no doubts about the veracity of the villain's threats; you believe fully that she will do as she says she will. Therefore, you have two options.The first option is to kill one of the ten people to save the lives of the other nine. The other option is to do nothing and watch the villain kill all ten people. Utili tarians would most likely conclude that you should kill the one person because it has the most beneficial outcome. Deontologists would most likely conclude that you should not kill the one person because killing another person is wrong as a universal moral truth. Utilitarianism's answers to deontology: Utilitarianism's first answer to deontology is to say that there are no ‘universal moral truths. Such truths are difficult, if not impossible, to ascertain. On the other hand, the benefits and disadvantages of actions are much more easily calculated. Thus, rather than relying on amorphous, vague moral truths to guide action we should look to more concrete ways of determining the ethics of a particular act. Also, utilitarianism would argue that deontology leads to morally untenable outcomes, such as in the example above. Utilitarians would argue that the outcome of ten deaths is much less desirable than one.Thus, we should always look to the ends rather than the means to determin e whether an act is ethical or not. Deontology's answers to utilitarianism: Deontology's first answer to utilitarianism is to say that the ends are illusory. That is, it is impossible to predict the outcomes of one's actions with absolute certainty. The only thing one can be sure of is whether his or her actions are ethical or not based on the categorical imperative. Additionally, deontologists believe that we can only be responsible for our own actions and not the ctions of others. Thus, in the example above you are only responsible for your decision whether to kill the prisoner or not; the villain is the one making the unethical choice to kill the rest of the prisoners. One is only responsible for following the categorical imperative. Finally, deontologists argue that utilitarianism devolves into dangerous moral relativism where human beings are allowed to justify heinous acts on the grounds that their outcomes are beneficial.

Friday, August 30, 2019

How to Improve Presentation Skill

Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION 1. 1 Definition of research problem Your presentations skills are just as important as the information you are presenting. Presentation skills are important for every individual when you have the need to present yourself. It is not only essential for your studying but also for future career. When you are applying for a job, you have to present yourself as a sincere applicant who is ready to improvise the organisation using his or her technical and non-technical skills. Only if you present yourself with the right attitude, you will be able to get the job.Even when you are in the job, you should be attending business meetings with the higher officials where your presentation skills will prove yourself. The purpose of this paper is to study the effectiveness of oral presentation as an assessment tool in university and career as well. The assessment practices in these subjects have been studied by many authors. Assessment may involve written tasks such as essay, r eport writing, calculation using formulae, computer simulation, short answer or descriptive writing in examination, multiple choice questions and also an oral presentation on a written task.However, the issues relating to oral presentation have not been studied clearly before. This paper reports the results of an empirical investigation of oral presentation used Banking University, especially in Foreign Language Faculty. 1. 2 Research scope and objectives Three specific questions are addressed in this paper. The first question is about the inportance of performance in oral presentation. The second question is about the effect that gender and student background determined by students’ nationality may have on their performance in oral presentation and other forms of assessment.The third question is about developing insights on various issues involved in the student performance in oral presentation in university and future career. The study of oral presentation with the issues i nvolved helps student in understanding the relationship between the steps of making a presentation. The study of effect of gender and nationality of students on their performance can help in understanding the problems associated with particular groups of students and can help resolve equity and learning issues in a particular group of students. 1. Structure of research report This report begins with an in depth literature review in chapter two which examines the oral presentation and issues involved. In chapter three, research questions are formulated from the literature. Chapter four provides detail regarding the research methodology selected by the researcher, in an attempt to collect data. This methodology includes qualitative as well as quantitative methods of data collection. The collected dated is disclosed in chapter five, through the use of graph and figures, as well as direct quotation from experts.An in depth review of the findings is examine in great detail in chapter six . Here more common themes and opposing opinions are explored more closely. Chapter seven concludes the research and offers proposed future research topic. Chapter 2: LITERATURE REVIEW In today’s business environment, the competition in the workplace is getting more competitive. It is no longer enough for you to have the necessary capability to do the job, you should also be able to talk well, write well, and present yourself attractively to your superiors.Until recently many researches have been done in this topic. Researchers show the importance of presentation skills and the way to improve them in working environment (Tom Antion), In fact, it’s not enough just considering the side of whether being good or bad of the presentation. We should consider it from many aspects to enhance our capacity in presenting and succeed in career. Thus, our research focus on analyzing the ways for students especially for seniors who will become staffs or entrepreneurs in the near futur e to cultivate their presentation skills.This paper was executed to solve communication problems noted above deficient oral presentation skills– and its purpose is to address: (1) a few possible reasons for students’ inability to effectively deliver presentations and (2) training strategies designed to help students develop a proficiency in the area of oral presentations. 2. 1. Explanations of Students’ Poor Presentation Performance 2. 1. 1. Communication-related anxiety The inability to effectively deliver oral presentations may stem from a communication-related anxiety known as oral communication apprehension.This is the biggest problem that presenter may come up against. The problem McCroskey (1977) defined as â€Å"an individual’s level of fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication with another person or persons† (p. 78) which may contribute to an increase in anxiety and loss of self confidence and, consequently, n egatively affect one’s action to engage in oral communication from face-to-face speaking to an audience by delivering a presentation or speech.According to Phillips (1968), a factor contributing to poor communication performance may lie in one’s memory of his or her parents misusing language to ventilate grievances, berate one another, or verbally harass family members, including oneself. These negative experiences may have led the individual to be fearful or reticent of communication dialog, resulting in withdrawal from oral communication encounters. 2. 1. 2. Vague Intent You memorized the content (and it shows, by the way). Someone has a question. Panic sets in. You never prepared for questions and all you know about this topic is what is written on the slides. If you are not clear about what you want your presentation to achieve, then its success will be a hit-and-miss affair at best. What is the purpose of your presentation? †, said Shaun Killian (2009). 2. 1 . 3. Poor Structure It is intergral to prepare structure to transfer you intent after having clear knowledge about the topic you are going to present. It is not as simple as the popular â€Å"tell them what you will be saying, say it, and tell them what you have said† formula (Seven sins of poor presentations, Shaun Killian ,c. 2009).Not so well prepared structure will not allow you to deliver a cohesive presentation that achieves your intent. 2. 1. 4. Not Understanding Your Audience A great presentation given to one audience may fall flat when repeated with another because people are different and you need to personalise your presentation for the specific audience concerned. You've heard the phrase â€Å"know your audience† but do you know how to do that? Of course it means to know who is in your audience, what their general preferences are, to know different ways to relate to them, etc (n. ). Assuming you do, how you allow them to easily understand your points is an obstacle. 2. 1. 5. Low Engagement Storytelling is a way to engage audience because it sparks our imagination and plays to our innate desire to know what happens next (n. d). Sooner or later, the connection between you and your audience will be replaced by a boring atmosphere if you fail in engaging them. 2. 1. 6. Poor Preparation Shaun claimed that audiences can sense when you are relying on a script or using your slides as a crutch to hide your lack of knowledge.A lack of preparation can also throw off your timing, leaving you to: (1) Cram an overload of information into the time you have left, or (2) Come up with ways to fill your remaining time. 2. 2. Strategies To Improve Students’ Presentation Skills 2. 2. 1. Plan the purpose Before you create a new presentation, or when you review existing presentation, ask yourself â€Å"what’s my purpose for giving this presentation? †Is your goal to persuade, to inspire, to inform or to entertain (Chakisse Newton, 2008) . Having a clear understanding of the presentation’s purpose enables you to set more specific goals.Being clear about what you want your presentation to achieve will enable you to make wise decisions about how to best structure and deliver it. 2. 2. 2. Prepare carefully for your presentation To deliver an effective presentation, you have to know your material well. Here are some tips you can use to repare carefully your presentation * Check  that  writing  is  legible  from  the  back  of  the  room * Smooth  transition  between  topics  and  slides * Sequence  of  points  is  logical * Get  feedback  from  a  classmate * Become  familiar  with  the  audio-visual you shouldn't use a number of media (i. e. verhead projector and slides and blackboard) until you are quite confident and experienced. If you are going to use mixed media, it is even more important that you rehearse, to get an indication of how long it will take t o turn off one projector, start the other etc. * Timing of your presentation. To get your timing right, you need to rehearse your presentation. Actors, musicians and other performers understand this all too well. Yet many presentations are not practiced until they are conducted live in front of the audience. Rehearsing your presentation will help you speak with confidence and stay on track.It also helps you to move away from vague ideas about content into the more concrete realm of what you will say and how you will say it (Shaun, 2009) * Get used to public speaking and reduce your nervousness * Identify any mannerisms that may be inappropriate or annoying during public speaking. For example, these may include a tendency to finish sentences with the word â€Å" like â€Å" or † y'know † or perhaps you begin every sentence with an ‘ errm ‘, or ‘ ahhhm ‘ or ‘ So. . ‘, or maybe you begin every new slide by saying â€Å"Where are we now ? † or â€Å"Well, . â€Å". Once you have identified them, and with a little practice, you will be able to better control your use of these mannerisms. Don’t worry too much about having a few of them in your seminars- you are not a robot! In addition, people generally have a very good ability to filter the occasional ‘errm’ or ‘ahhhm’ out of your main points. It is the overuse of such mannerisms that is problematic. 2. 2. 3. Some other important tips * Devote some preparation time to better understanding your audience. * What have they been up to recently? What have they achieved? Will they be hostile or receptive to what you have to say? * What do they already know or believe about the matter at hand? * What do you know about their learning styles and personalities? * What challenges do they face in their workplace? What help do they need? * What do they like and respect? To truly understand your audience, you need to avoid the clinical, so mewhat removed method of answering these questions and try to view things from their perspective (Shaun, 2009). * Think of ways to actively engage them. One of the most powerful ways to accomplish this is  through storytelling. here are other ways to engage your audience. These include using: * Questions  both real and rhetorical, to get people thinking about what you have said * Games  that reinforce the key messages in your presentation * Movement  to wake people up * Literary devices  such as parallel structure, word pictures, triads, metaphors and the antithesis 2. 3. Summary of literature and research aim The materials including 3 books and an article conducted by relevant website. This literature on oral presentation involved two issues of students’ oral presentation.This study made a contribution to the study of presentation by offering insight into issues involved in the oral presentation. In particular, this study identified the problems associated with the execution of oral presentation and proposed the strategies for students to overcome the problems. Although the above strategies may appear to constitute a precise structure, they are subject to modification and omission at the strategy for the communication-related anxiety. More studies should be learned in order to get a clearer and deeper knowledge about managing anxiety for the presentation.Chapter 3: METHODOLOGY 3. 1 Subjects to the study Finding reliable and valid sources of information for the research was a challenge for the researcher. The researcher used electronic databases using keyword? searching methods to locate traditional and online sources on the topic. The primary database used to locate sources was well? known research journals and publications. Another database used to locate sources was the Library of Banking University. The researcher used Library of Banking University primarily to locate traditional sources such as books and some research articles.This paper attempts to answer the above mentioned research questions through an analysis of student data collected from Faculty of Foreign Language, at Banking University over a period of for years from 2010 to 2014. Because we do not have enough time to do the survey the whole Foreign language Faculty we do the survey in the class we are studying with, which comprises 35 students who are studying the subject over this period. Out of these; 27 are female students, 8 males. This research was conducted by questionnaire and investigated junior students’attitudes to the importance of presentation.The questionnaire used multichoice method to assess student attitudes and provided open ended responses for additional comments. No personal information was collected; the survey was voluntary and anonymous. There was an 85% response rate to the questionnaire. A breakdown of the responses is listed below in Table 1. It can be clearly seen from the results that there are many students acknowledge ab out the importance of oral presentation and its relevant issues as well. The survey also allowed participants to suggest any strategies for the progress from the preparation to the presenting of the talk to have a good presentation. . 2 Research instrument The questionnaire instrument is a popular method doing research . It consist of 11 questions edited by researchers. Most of these questions focused on the importance of presentation skill ,the difficuties in doing a presentation and finding the way to improve. We gave somes mutiple choices . And some questions ,there is space for the participants to give their own opinions. After getting the information in the survey ,the data was gathered and annalyzed to come to findings 3. 3 Data collection and research procedures.The data collection procedures in this thesis consist of two phases Phases 1 : it took researchers a half of month from October 10th to October 25th 2012,to review previous study and select the ralated materials in th is subject Phases 2: after that on November 6th 2012 35 copies of the questionaire were distributed to the participants . Then the information was gathered and analyzed to achieve the concrete conclusion. This process lasted 7 days to November 13th . Lastly, it took more than a week to perfect and finish this research paper from November 13th to November 20th ,2012.Chapter 4 :DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDING 4. 1. Responses to the questionaire 4. 1. 1. Participants ‘s opinions about presentation skill in future career. Most of them (60%) agree presentation skill is the most important skill to get s good career . 30% participants think knowledge is the most important and 10% is neutral. 4. 1. 2 Reasons why students can not be a good presenter. * 35% of students think the lack of preparation makes the poor presentation. * It is culculated that 30% of students did a bad presentation because of being short of confidence. 25% of students have problem with the language they use in the pres entation. * 10% of them gave some different reasons such as: body language, pronunciation,the content of the presentation ,†¦. 4. 1. 3. Methods to have a good presentation There are some methods for an attractive presentation that participants gave : * Prepare carefully for the presentation. * Get used to public speaking and reduce your nervousness * Use some small games or a funny stories in the presentation. * Use body language * Use simple word or definitions. * †¦ 4. 2. SummaryAccording to the survey ,the real situation is found out . 60% of participants agree presentation skill is very important ,30% disagree and other 10% of them are neutral. It was calculated that the lack of preparation makes up 35% among the reasons which lead to the failure in presentation. The other 2 main problems are language and short of confidence. Along with that the participants also gave some solutions that they used to improve their presentation skill . Those finding indicated not only t he importance of presentation skill but also the method to advance it. Chapter 5 :DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION . 1. Preparation: 35% of participants think lack of preparation makes the presentation fail. Some people recommend memorizing a script and practicing it intensely for as long as you possibly can. Other people suggest having key talking points and riffing on those. From heavy-duty preparation to minimal preparation, you’ll get it all, and everything in-between. Besides, over time with enough practice you can learn to speak and present in any style. From there, you can find your own speaking style. Moreover ,   it is quite helpful to practice each section of presentation in pieces.You should focus on one part, memorize the core elements, run through it till you are comfortable and then move to the next piece. Then it’s just a matter of stringing the pieces together, which is easier. 5. 2. Confidence: 30% people point out that confidence contributes a lot to a n excellent presentation. Definitely, practicing in front of people helps you more confident. If you haven’t given a lot of presentations this  will feel awkward  but it’s better to get over those feelings now rather than when you’re on stage. You need the quiet time to memorize things and get a feel for what you’re doing.However, it will be better to practice while distracted by other sounds or visually because it makes you feel more confident . All the advice in the world won’t help if you can’t get comfortable with your preparation, practice techniques and ultimately, the presentation itself. Do whatever makes you feel comfortable. The more comfortable you feel, the more confident you feel, and the better things will go. 5. 3. Language: It is adviced not to get hung up on specific words. It’s unlikely that missing or changing any one word will totally ruin your presentation, so don’t worry about perfection.Practicing han d gestures is also essential. If you’re giving a â€Å"naked† presentation (with nothing in front of you like a table, etc. ) then you need to be aware of what you’re doing with your hands and your feet. So think about your hand gestures and how they relate to what you’re saying. If you plan to move around, pace in sync with your words. I’ve been practicing this for a few days with great success. Chapter 6: CONCLUSION 6. 1. Strengths: As students of Foreign Language Faculty, we have more chances to practice presentation in comparison with other students.It is also considerable advantage for doing surveys and collecting data from our classmates. 6. 2. Weakness: Still being senior students, the researchers have not been trained presentation skills systematically. Also, the time for processing this thesis was limited. The researchers can not apply more research methods into the procedure to tap into more evidence for the statements. However; after ver y hard working to gear up the research, the researchers are in the hope of bringing up the solution to make people find effective methods to get success in making a perfect presentation.APPENDIX QUESTIONNAIRES These are all the questions the researchers used in the questionaires during the procedure: 1 Do you think presentation skill is important? * Yes * No 1. How much time do you spend preparing your presentation? *   a. a day *   b. a week *   c. a few weeks *   other: 3. What common mistakes do you (and your group also) usually make in the presentation? *   a. Spelling mistakes *   b. Pronunciation *   c. Too many information on the slide *   Other: 4. How do you feel about a presenter with a note? *   a. It`s ok.. *   b. So unprofessional!They should learn by heart all the stuffs *   c. Not very professional but acceptable *   Other : 5. What do you do to handle nerves before presenting? *   a. Drink some water . *   b. Take a deep breath, relax the muscle . *   c. Imagine the audiences turn into some kinds of funny things . * Other: 6. Do nerves affect your presentation? *   a. Yes, my stomach is ache. My hands shake. I just want to run away *   b. My hands shake, my heart pounds but I try to finish the presentation *   c. A bit nervous, but I prepare very carefully. Everything`s gonna be OK .   d. I don`t care what`s gonna happen. I just want to finish this . *   Other: 7. you often find the information from which sources? *   a. The internet *   b. Books *   c. Newspapers, magazines *   Other: 8. How frequent do you say â€Å"uhm†, â€Å"ohm† during your presentation? *   a. Very often *   b. Sometimes *   c. Rarely *   d. Never 9. What do you do if the questions are so difficult or you don’t prepare well? *   a. Answer arbitrarily *   b. Ask for another question *   c. Ask for teacher’s help *   d. Apology and promise to reply on the following day 10.Do you use body language when presenting? *   a. Mostly eye contact. I always look at the audiences to make sure they`re listening *   b. I know it`s important, but I barely use it. There are too many other things to handle *   c. The most important thing is the contain and the presentation. If it`s interesting, the audiences will pay attention *   Other: 11. What have you done so far to improve your presentation skill? a. Prepare carefully b. Use body language c. Use a note while presentting. d. Other REFERENCES Daly,  J. A. ,  &  McCroskey,  J. C. (Eds). (1984).Avoiding  communication:  Shyness, reticence,a nd  communication  apprehension. Newbury  Park:  Sage. Gallo,  Ã‚  C  Ã‚  (2006). The  Ã‚  10  Ã‚  worst  Ã‚  presentation  Ã‚  habits. BusinessWeek. com. Retrieved October  20,  2006  from: Krannich,  Ã‚  C. R. (2004). 101  Ã‚  Secrets  Ã‚  of  Ã‚  highly  Ã‚  effective  Ã‚  speakers:  Ã‚  controlling  Ã‚  fear,commanding  Ã‚  attention  . McCannon,  M. &  Crews,  T. B. 1999. Most  common  grammatical  and  punctuation  errors made  by  undergraduates  as  perceived  by  business  communication  professors.Parvis,  Ã‚  L. F. (2001). The  Ã‚  importance  Ã‚  of  Ã‚  communication  Ã‚  and  Ã‚  public-speaking  Ã‚  skills. http://inc. com/guides/how-to-improve-your-presentation-skills. html http://presentationmagazine. com/presentation-skills-and-how-to-develop-them-7577. htm http://presentationsoft. about. com/od/powerpointinbusiness/tp/071231resolutions. htm http://images. businessweek. com/ss/06/02/mistakes/index_01. htm RESEARCH PAPER WRITING EVALUATION FORM Student name: Grading criteria| Marks| Content| | Purpose/ objective| /10| Coverage and relevance of literature in relation to the topic/ research question| /20|Ability to summarise and evaluate the literature in relavant to the topic/ research question, including the identification of agreements and contradictions or gaps, etc. | /20| Form| | Coherence and structure of the paper| /15| Clarity of the outline including clear and consistent layout, script and spelling; provision of subheadings where approciate; introductory and concluding sections, etc. | /15| Clarity and appropriateness of academic conventions forquoting, paraphrasing, citing references, etc according to the guidelines learnt. | /20| Total marks| /100| General comments| Examiner:Date:B? NG PHAN CONG CONG VI? C T? t c? thanh vien d? u tim kiem tai li? u ,t? ng h? p va ch? n l? c tai li? u . Sau khi hoan thanh xong ph? n c? a minh g? i qua cho t? ng thanh vien xem va ch? nh s? a . sau day la b? ng phan cong c? th? T? NGUY? N PHU? C VINH| * PART 1 : INTRODUCTION * PART2 :LITERATURE REVIEW * T? NG H? P BAI| TR? N TH? BICH TRAM| * PART3:METHODOLOGY * Part4 :DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDING * T? NG H? P VA PHAN TICH S? LI? U KH? O SAT| BUI TH? KIM TUY? N| * PART 5: DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION * PART 6: CONCLUSION * T? N G H? P VA PHAN TICH S? LI? U KH? O SAT|

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Characters from Opposite Sides of the World in Two Kinds by Any Tan

Likewise, my parents were born in a culture opposite to the one I brought up. My father grew up in a rural village in Eastern Europe and my mother grew up in Central America. Like Jing - Mei, I have an impact on my daily life. This seems to have not changed at all from Americans. I think that it is easy to connect with the environment of Jingmei's family, whether it is through the existence of multiple languages ​​in the family, or through eccentric observation of parent's behavior. Two views in Amy Tan's short story Amy Tan shares her mother's attempt to control her daughter's hopes and dreams in her short stories Two Types and learns more about their relationship In order to use my daughter 's point of view. This girl is talking about her story that she grew up as a young woman and grew up with a family immigrated from China. - Tennessee Williams 'drama Glass Zoo and Amy Tan' s short Two has set four control themes through contact with the children. Amanda of William Amanda is the mother of overwhelming, delusive southern beauty. Laura who finds her little daughter's daughter is a suitable husband and decides her creativity, but how should his son Tom behave in his life? Amy Tan's two kinds and Julius Leicester's spear are two short stories showing the stress theme between the hero and the internal conflict related to their identity. Most people feel stressed in life, especially if they need a lot of stress. Some people are strong, please do not pressure. On the other hand, some people are in trouble, others have their own identities defined by others. There are many social forces that affect people. - The two mother-daughter relationships are not similar. After reading Alice Walker's everyday use and Amy Tan's two kinds, I noticed that these two stories have the same theme: mother-daughter relationship. These two stories show different cultures, generations and parenting methods. The two mothers behave differently, but eventually they are drive n by the same desire.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Effects of Alcohol on the Human Body Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Effects of Alcohol on the Human Body - Essay Example Alcohol is the only type of beverage that once adopted as a heavy drinker, cannot simply withdraw as it causes various chronic diseases in situations where a heavy drinker is forced to quit alcohol intake. "Alcohol travels through the bloodstream by simply entering the main tissues of the mouth and throat. After reaching the stomach it searches the outlet and after founding it open, it passes into small intestine thereby absorbing every single drop of it. In case the outlet of stomach is closed, stomach walls don't take longer to absorb the alcohol. The bloodstream then distributes the alcohol uniformly throughout the body. In this manner, the alcohol reaches the brain and other parts of the body". (ACS) "Blood is the main distributor of alcohol, which virtually transfers it to every cell in the body. In nursing mothers it rapidly enters the breast milk. In pregnant women it crosses the placenta and thus reaches the unborn child as well". (Zamula, 1986) Although alcohol affects the entire human body but there are particular parts of the body that are resistant to the harmful effects of alcoholism. In general, according to alcohol consumption alters health by one of the following mechanisms: Liver and Pancreas are the most affected organs that are subjected to alcohol exposure as liver is the major organ for metabolism of ethanol and it is this metabolism, with subsequent altered cellular homeostasis, that is thought to be central to the pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease (Lieber, 1995). Metabolism of ethanol results in the production of a toxic metabolite substance called acetaldehyde that can bind irreversibly to cellular proteins and enzymes. In addition, complexes of acetaldehyde with various cellular proteins may form the basis of a cellular immune response directed toward the hepatocyte (Hoerner et al., 1988). Metabolism of ethanol also results in the production of hydrogen, which when interacts with carbohydrate metabolism and mitochondrial function is subjected to accumulate fat within the liver called alcoholic fatty liver (Lieber, 1995) which is main cause of liver failure. The abuse of alcohol is a frequent cause of anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia. These complications of alcoholism arise as a result of: 1) Direct effects of alcohol on the bone marrow, 2) Associated nutritional deficiencies especially of folic acid and pyridoxine, and 3) Alcohol-induced liver injury. (Ammerman et al, 1999, p. 79) Alcohol During Pregnancy - Fatal Alcohol Syndrome Alcoholism during pregnancy leads to a disease called "Fatal Alcohol Syndrome" (FAS), which is marked by reducing birth weight and size, small head circumference of the foetus, microophthamalia, micrognathia, an elongated upper lip, ear abnormalities, and mental retardation. So, alcohol effects the foetus following lower or mild doses of alcohol, may lead to mild abnormalities, learning problems, and behavioral disturbances in the child. The placenta is readily permeable to alcohol in

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Contract law problem question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Contract law problem question - Essay Example that even though it may have seemed to Jane that they were entering into a separate valid contract they never actually intended to conclude any such contract and the work done by Jayne was part of the original contract. Jane on the other hand will argue the opposite and claim that this particular trip was not part of the main contract and that this trip was as a result of a separate contract. This raises another subsidiary issue here which is not very clear on the facts available. She attended the conference as a part of the terms of her contract in September 2007. It remains ambiguous what the contract says in terms of her discretion is choosing to go to the conference and her entitlement of the bonus or any additional money. We shall not dwelve into this much due to the lack of clear instructions but shall proceed on the assumption that the contract remains silent on these issues. It is pertinent to mention here that the general rule adopted by the courts is that they will look at the intention of the parties objectively. This was decided in the case of Centrovincial Estates plc v. Merchant Investors Assurance Company Limited [1983]. In this case the claimants let premises to the defendants at a yearly rent of 68,320 but when they received the written acceptance they quickly informed the defendants that they intended 126,000. The courts held that there was a valid contract and that it was contrary to well-established principles that after the acceptance in the way stipulated by the contract, that the claimants turn around and say that they made a mistake which the offeree neither knew nor could reasonably have known when he accepted it. Here, Jayne can argue that while making the representation she could not have reasonably known that SE was making a mistake and that they never intended to make a separate contract. However, critics like Professor Atiyah basin g their argument on the case of The Hannah Blumenthal [1983] argue that a subjective approach should be adopted and that without any detriment to the offeree, the courts should not hold this to be a valid contract. In our situation the idea of detriment to Jayne is questionable. First, it is true that in admitting her son to the Westbrook Academy and paying the first year's fees of 5,000, she had acted to her detriment. The matter that is doubtful is whether she would have done that anyways or was it solely based on the expectation of a bonus of 4,000. The courts will probably also look at the fact that there was a difference of 1,000 between the fees and the bonus. But this is an evidential matter. The courts adopting an objective approach will look at what the objective man would have done in this situation and implement their own view. The courts will however also look at a subjective view if evidence could be led that Jayne somehow knew that the company was making a mistake or that the money will never be paid to her, this can be done on the pretext of SE's approach with reference to other employees experiences that Jayne knew about or her own previous experiences with SE (Scriven Bros. v. Hindley [1913]). It is however concluded

Monday, August 26, 2019

Health Promotion and Health Education Assignment

Health Promotion and Health Education - Assignment Example By definition, health promotion, according to H. Seymour, is â€Å"aimed at delivering a â€Å"positive pursuit of fitness and wellbeing by means of a whole range of activities including health education, legal and environmental controls and influences on social and economic factors† (Seymour, 1984). On the other hand, WHO defines health education as the â€Å"Consciously constructed opportunities for learning involving some form of communication designed to improve health literacy, including improving knowledge, and developing life skills, which are conducive to individual and community health† (WHO, 2012) As to the points of perception where they overlap, both are driven to achieve a healthy world, that is, to have healthy individuals who make healthy decisions to manage their well being, community and environment. Both concepts work on the same sphere of interventions such as in the education, health, political, social, economic and environmental arenas to include policy making, empowering communities, better health treatment and care, among others. However, their methods, content and framework models of implementation are done differently. According to Howard Seymour, â€Å"both are not unitary but when looked at in details but from the point of view of their practice, all mirror various aspects of each other† (Seymour, 1984). Both are â€Å"regarded vital to society because both â€Å"address the risks that lead to diseases, reduce medical treatment costs, reduce costly premature deaths and disability, advocate and lobby for health legislation, among others† (Ã¢â‚¬Ë œHealth Education Specialist’, n.d.) and just about anything for the whole welfare of every individual living in this world. Their differences would start from the report that â€Å"health education still exists as a sub-set of overall health promotion activity†

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Capstone Experience (Strategy and Alignment) 1 Assignment

Capstone Experience (Strategy and Alignment) 1 - Assignment Example ot given the authority nor the responsibility to address customers’ complaints, the process of resolving these issues would be delayed and would cause dissatisfaction. In the current process, whenever there are customers who complain, the issue is elevated to the supervisor or manager for the needed decision. The structural misalignment using the RAEW tool is responsibility without authority (Strategy and Alignment, 2014). As emphasized in the RAEW tool, the â€Å"technique is intended to clarify to people the part they play in performing a specific business function within the enterprise† (YouSigma, 2008, p. 1). Thus, it identified the role and responsibilities of the customer service representative and those tasks outside of their jurisdiction. The misalignment could be fixed with clearer policies and procedures regarding addressing customers’ complaints. The organization could determine the usual complaints encountered in their work setting and determine the appropriate ways to address these. Thus, routine complaints could be addressed directly by the customer service representatives without referring the matter to their supervisors. In this regard, resolution to customers’ complaints would be immediate and

Money generated from illegal activities Dissertation

Money generated from illegal activities - Dissertation Example Money laundering can be seen as a deliberate effort that is made to close the trail of criminals. Money laundering is seen as a convenient outlet through which the trail of criminals can be cleaned in order to blot out all tracks that would lead to them.A person who sells drugs or a person who runs a human trafficking ring which leads to prostitution might want to find ways of injecting funds legally into the economy to appear legal. This can be done by banking the proceeds as part of the ‘profits’ made through his restaurant or banking them as part of a casino’s winnings. All these are deliberate efforts that are meant to erase any investigative tracks that are meant to pin them down as criminals.The concept of money laundering becomes more complicated when it spans across different national borders. This is because the inclusion of other countries in a money laundering attempt makes it much more difficult to detect and tough to resolve since it requires the coop eration of different law enforcement regimes to combat it effectively. This is not always easy and it comes with a high degree of complications. The two variables are legal systems and cooperation and it is very difficult to attain convergence.Money Laundering involves three main phases: placement, layering, and integration. Placement involves the separation of illicit funds from the illegal source. This means that money gotten from illegal means are taken out of the original source and prepared to be sent to some other category of funds which might disguise its origins. Once placement is done, there is layering, which involves the integration of the illicit funds into the financial systems. This involves the lodgement of these illegal money in some kind of category of funds that is legally acceptable. Finally, there is integration of the illegal funds into the legitimate economy. This means that the money is spent in the normal sense as though the money was gotten from any other le gal source of funds. This means that the money is likely to be seen as legal when it is far from the normal legal funding. Money Laundering and its Relationship to Terrorism Money laundering is often used to describe the general sense of presenting illegally acquired funds as though they

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Black Feminism and The Beyonce Wars Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Black Feminism and The Beyonce Wars - Essay Example The first article ‘Ugly Internal Clash: Why Its Future Is Not Up To White Women’ talks about feminism especially for black women and how they can form a gender inclusive group to deal with racism, sexual harassment, and work discrimination against women. The article provides a name that helps women to describe the issues they go through during discrimination Brittney (Cooper 2015). Feminism is the name, and it helps many women to discuss their issues without language challenges. Black women use the internet feminism to air their troubles and discuss the discrimination that they experience. The women also express their power through it phenomena that make the white women extremely uncomfortable. The writers opinion is that the future of feminism should not be left with the white women as most of the issues center around gender equality. For white women, equality was achieved a long time ago, but for the black women, it is still a big issue. Most of the black women in the US do not fully access some of the benefits, such as the Obamacare in some states (Cooper 2015). Understanding feminist and black women oppression will help women fight for their rights in foreign countries, such s the United States. The second article ‘Black Feminist Blogger Speaks The Truth by Goldstein, Rich talks about how important issues contributed by black women in the media get ignored by many readers and viewers. The writer focuses on blogs on issues of life for black women instead of focusing on wealthy and glamorous women in power (Goldstein 2015). According to the blog, there are many interesting things about black women, such as their unique talents, although there are few people who recognize them. Racism is real and classifies women according to their place of origin, and the blog help many to have some attention on racism, sexism, and ableism. The writer admires the work of Beyonce for focusing on feminism, especially the one touching on black women. Black women

Friday, August 23, 2019

Consider how the problems of cognitive bias might have influenced this Assignment

Consider how the problems of cognitive bias might have influenced this observation - Assignment Example Blue cars are not the only fats cars in Britain but boy racers have continuously selected them. This phenomenon can be associated with cognitive bias. People around us such as politicians, friends, politicians, expert and salesmen among others tend to influence our decision making by providing information that leads to their expectations (Stanovich & West 2000). This leads us to various forms of bias such as Confirmation, in-group, Gamblers fallacy, observational selection, post-purchase rationalization, and bandwagon effect biases among others other (Campbell 2010). One, two or more cognitive biases could have led boy racers in Britain to choose blue cars. Confirmation bias makes people agree with others who have similar opinion (Campbell 2010). Many people feel better while in the group of others who share same ideas and are insecure while in group of people sharing different ideas. A boy racer feels better while with other racers owning blue race cars. Blue cars may not be the fastest but no one among the racers is able to believe that there are faster cars bearing other color. As long as they keep that opinion that blue cars a re very fast, they will remain to use them. Racers may have also developed in-group bias. This is the bias associated by people who stay close together or those who have similarities in beliefs or origin (Finucane et al 2000). The fact that the boy racers are tied together by their age bracket and their fast driving habits, they have developed a close bond among them which makes them make similar choices as far as cars are concerned. This bias has led to their overestimation of blue cars’ ability to move faster than any other car. Gambler’s fallacy bias may have also influence their choice of blue car (Sides et al 2002). This is a type of bias that leads people to believe that past events influences future outcomes. If in the fast several blue cars won

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Dramatic devices and events used by Miller Essay Example for Free

Dramatic devices and events used by Miller Essay Youre the Devils man! When Mary finally buckles under the weight of Abigails power over her and her intelligent reaction to the situation- the accusation against Mary of witching her, she blames Proctor of witchcraft, thus condemning the whole of Salem to madness, and taking away the lives of Proctor and many other innocents. This event marks the end of any possibility of sanity in Salem, and is ruinous for the once peaceful town. The other accusation in this act is the blame placed on Abigail by Proctor that Abigail is a whore. Even though it would seem the most far-fetched and outrageous claim made in this act, it is the only truthful one. The courts justice fails to grasp this concept though, so the lies win the struggle once again. Act 3 holds the best chance Salem has had of being released from the hysteria and madness that has accumulated and multiplied, feeding upon the accusations and lies that have been propagated, but this glimmer of hope is extinguished, and the truth is once again suppressed and shunned. The truth of the girls fraud is suppressed. From the very beginning, when Proctor first speaks out against the court, Danforths questioning techniques attempt to intimidate Proctor, thus trying to suppress the truth, because his dialogue is imposing, inflexible and intimidating, thus preventing the one person who holds the key to the release of Salem, the one person who knows and can tell the truth, from doing so. If I must answer that, I will leave and not come back again. The other character key to suppressing the truth is Abigail, because she is harnessing the power of the witch trials to eliminate Elizabeth, to clear the path to her lust for Proctor, she also has an intimidating dialogue, because hers is indignant, and at times, even threatening, cleverly making out that she is innocent. She acts the part of a girl who is shocked and indignant at the charge against her, making the charge seem entirely false, when in reality it is completely accurate. She pretends to be indignant at the questions, to avoid answering the questions that Danforth poses to her, and even threatens to leave the court, showing her growing power over the adults in Salem. She also keeps looking at Mary, and uses the apparitions of the yellow bird and the icy wind, to force Mary back to her side, once again suppressing the truth from one character that could be the end of the lies. She chatters her teeth and shakes, to make the apparitions seem even more realistic. There are also events in Act 3 that also show the suppression of the truth, such as Danforth and Hathorne questioning Proctor to try to suppress the truth. In order to try to dispose of the threat that Proctor begins to pose in Act 3, Danforth and Hathorne exercise their power to invade his privacy. Even though Proctor has not yet been formally accused of witchcraft, Danforth and Hathorne, like Hale earlier, question him about his Christian morals as though he were already on trial. They hope to find in his character even the slightest deviation from Christian doctrine because they would then be able to cast him as an enemy of religion. Once thus labelled, Proctor would have virtually no chance of anyone in God-fearing Salem intervening on his behalf, therefore suppressing the truth. The court created for the witch trials was commonly believed by the villagers to be created by God. Therefore the upholding of this court becomes essential to the maintenance of social order in Salem. There is a big decision to be made by the judges in this act- to maintain social order and suppress individuals freedom, or to submit to the truth, thus condemning Salem to chaos and their reputation to breakdown. Some dramatic devices in this act are used to emphasise the issue of the decision between maintenance of social order or the truth. When Judge Danforth enters, the rest of the characters including Cheever and Parris trail him. This positioning of characters emphasises the authority that Danforth possesses. On his appearance, silence falls, again showing his power and authority as high judge of the court. He has the power to suppress the truth or to give justice, to take away the lives of innocents, or to heal Salem of the wounds it has suffered. Let you consider it then. When Hale says this sentence, the room falls silent as Proctor hands Danforth the warrant. This is a dramatic climax, when Danforth is considering Proctors evidence. This is a fulcrum, where the verdict could go either way-where social order could be maintained, or Proctors individual freedom could be granted. The silence is broken only by Marys sob, showing the importance of this moment. I have evidence for the court! we have proof for your eyes The desperate attempt by Giles, Proctor and Francis to save their respective wives exposes the extent to which the trials have become about specific individuals and institutions struggling to maintain power and authority-social order versus individual freedom. Danforth and Hathorne do not want to admit publicly that they were deceived by a group of girls, while Parris does not want the trials to end as a fraud because the scandal of having a lying daughter and niece would end his career in Salem. Because of this, Danforth react to Proctors claims by accusing him of trying to undermine the court, which, in theocratic Salem, is tantamount to undermining God himself. The issue that youre ones name is important to one, and that some are willing to die for it. There are many contextual links and quotes, from plays, books and even the bible, stating that name is important to a man. Good name in man and women, dear my lord, is the immediate jewel of their souls; who steals my purse steals trash; tis his, and has been slave to thousands; but he that filches from me my good name robs me of that which not enriches him, and makes me poor indeed This quote form the play Othello by Shakespeare shows that a name is important to a man, more important than his money or possessions. I quit this court! The stage direction of Hale slamming the door after quitting the court from which he was part of, ruins his good name and relinquishes the power he held, because he realises the injustice and lies that are holding the court up. Their bodies are buried in peace, but their name shall liveth for evermore. This quote from the bible, of St Matthew, Chapter 44, verse 9 says that if someone is dead, but has not left a name behind them, it means that they have not sinned and their name shall live on forever. Giles acted upon the same principle in this act-I cannot give you his name. Giles refuses to name someone else just so he can keep his own life, and dies for the cause. Proctor in this act also does not defile his name, because he does not confess to witchcraft when prompted, so is thrown in jail with a death sentence. He instead speaks the truth-that Salem has pulled down heaven and raised up a whore. In conclusion, in Act 3 of the crucible, Miller uses dramatic devices and events to highlight the key issues of the play, and, indeed, of the time, highlighting the problems and issues with Puritanism and the way of life in those days, and highlights the paranoia and hysteria that flourished in Salem at the time. He realises the irony of the trials, that they were supposed to be Gods will, but people were in fact using religion to their own ends. By Luke Worley (9T) 2915 words. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Hilton Hhonors Loyalty Scheme Marketing Essay

The Hilton Hhonors Loyalty Scheme Marketing Essay This is an analytical study assessing Customer Relationship Management through the Hilton Hotels Loyalty scheme Hilton HHonors. This paper will give a thorough literature review on relationship marketing, a case study on Hilton Hotel loyalty scheme and within this, a framework of the brands role; position in the organization and the market will be discussed. Winer, (2001) customer relationship management framework will be used to analyze the Hilton HHonors scheme to which the nature of the difficulties and effectiveness will be covered as well. This paper will end with possible suggestions regarding the effectiveness of the Loyalty scheme. LITERATURE REVIEW There are several scholarly definitions of relationship marketing and (Shani and Chalasani, 1992) define it as a combined effort to maintain, identify and build up a linkage with separate customers and to continue to fortify the linkage for the common benefit of both sides, via interactive, one to one and value added contacts over a stretched out period of time. While (Gronroos,1990) described relationship marketing to be the establishing , maintaining, enhancing and commercializing of customer relationship so that the distinct purpose of the parties concerned are met which is done by a common exchange and fulfilment of agreements. This definition tries to encompass both the relational and transactional qualities of marketing. These two descriptions differ somehow but they both signify that relationship marketing centres on the individual customer and seller relationship and states that they both benefit. Plus the nature of the relationship is longitudinal. Moreover, they both indica te that the core of relationship marketing is on customer retention. On the other hand (Morgan and Hunt,1994), argue that relationship marketing represents all marketing activates destined towards launching, improving and preserving successful relational give and take or exchange. Taking into record that relational exchanges and transactional exchanges differ. From this definition relationship marketing is marketing plus Morgan and Hunt have as a result re described marketing and extended a paradigm shift. It is key for organisations to assess customer relationship stages (Figure 1.0) in order to evaluate the need for investment to make these customers move up the relationship ladder (Dwyer, Shurr and Oh, 1987, Kotler and Dubois, 2000) and turn out to be more profitable, or better implicit for cross-selling and offer them with personalized services establishing higher bond and switching cost. Suspects Prospects First-time Repeat Client Advocate Member Partner Customers Customers Traditional Marketing- Relationship Marketing- Figure 1.0.The relationship ladder: (Egan, 2001: p.59) However, marketing relationship is a give and take relationship parallel to intimate relationship (Clark 1984; Clark and Mills 1979; Kollock, Blumstein and Schwartz 1994). Each party involved in an exchange relationship provide value measurable to those received. Relationship Marketing and Customer Loyalty Relationship marketing recognises that a steady customer base is essential in business. The crux and feature of relationships and their business vale is summarized in the notion of customer loyalty and its correlated literature. The advantage of customer loyalty to a supplier of either which ever product or services, consist of enhanced organisational productivity or effectiveness, moderate expenditure on bringing together new customers and decreased customer price vulnerability.(Rowley, 2005) Although customers may show their loyalty in numerous ways; they may decide to remain with a supplier or provider, if this prolongation is described as relationship or not, or customers may escalate the amount of purchases or the regularity of their purchases or possibly both. Customers may become advocates of the brand or organization involved by performing an influential role in the decisions of others. (Hallowell, 1996; Reicheld et al, 2000). Even though there is substantial progress in the loyalty scheme. There has been an extensive argument about the benefit of loyalty schemes, to either customers or businesses. Certainly many have affirmed that such schemes have been unsuccessful (Divett et al, 2003; Worthington, 2000). Byrom, (2001) debated that with many organisations cancelling their scheme; those schemes were at somewhat of a crossroads. Critique of schemes fall down to three groups which are those that declare that the relationship among or between such schemes and the promotion of loyalty is vague; those that debate that organisations are not creating correct or proper use of data; and those that debate that the incentive structure in loyalty schemes are unsuitable. However according to (Jenkinson,1995) real brand loyalty is as a result of the emotional bond established by dialogue, trust , sense of value and ease of use, added satisfaction and frequency. Loyalty is the mirror image of the customers psychological and subconscious emotional necessity to trace a frequent source of satisfaction, identity and value. Samuelson and Sandvik, (1997) states that customer loyalty has been theorized as a collaboration of attitude and behaviour. There is a lot as to what makes up loyalty, this starts from repeat purchase to extended relationship (Dick and Basu, 1994). Furthermore (Hallowell, 1996) states that loyalty behaviours consist of relationship extension, enlarged scale or range of relationship, and suggestions. Although there is a positive link between customer loyalty and satisfaction (Soderlund, 1998). Moving on, the rewards or incentives are the basic structure or mechanism for motivating customers to indulge in the scheme. OBrien and Jones(1995) single out the following elements that add to the value of a loyalty scheme: choice of reclamation option( the list of incentives provided), cash value( How greatly the incentive stand for, as a part of spend), aspirational value ( how greatly the customer the incentive); relevance( the degree to which incentives are achievable) and convenience( simplicity of participation in the scheme). Parker and Worthington, (2000) debate that customer loyalty to an incentive scheme or reward scheme is most likely to be influenced by social factor, relative attitude and situational factors. Firstly customer loyalty is possibly influenced by satisfaction that a customer experiences regarding the level of return that they are accepting. Secondly, customer loyalty could be influenced by what is obtainable from other schemes and thirdly behaviour could be affected by other customers, social norms and the media. They continue to debate that the loyalty card that they examined did not pay its customers rightfully, as it was providing lower incentive values on products probably to be saved for. OMalley (1998) expatiates on the level to which many schemes have established customers who have come to anticipate an incentive as part of the regular shopping experience and assign a low value on rewards or incentives. Why Consumers enter into Relationship Marketing According (Sheth and Parvatiyar 1995), the basic axiom of relationship marketing should be or is that consumers like to cut back selection or choices by participating in a current loyalty relationship with marketers. This is a very fascinating and exciting argument and one that has intense suggestions for both the theory and marketing practice if correct. Moreover consumers sometimes go into relationships because it elevates the number of choices open to them. For each purchase decision, numerous options exist. CASE STUDY: HILTON HHONORS History: However Hilton Hotels and Resort from its name is into providing hotel accommodations and Hospitality to its customers which makes it a very good example, it is a worldwide company that has expanded vastly in every sector including its relationship marketing in order to retain customers through its Hilton HHonors loyalty scheme. Moreover this Hotel was founded by Conrad N. Hilton who opened the first Hilton hotel in Texas in 1925. Presently Hilton is one of the reputable hotel brands in the world. The hotel today is owned by Hilton Worldwide; they are managed, franchised or owned by several independent operators by Hilton Worldwide. Currently there are over 500 Hilton hotels brands in the world (Hilton Worldwide, 2012). Over the years Hilton has created brands; today they have about ten brands in over 78 countries in the world. In 2009 Hilton was formerly known as Hilton Hotel Corporations but changed its name and Logo to Hilton World then moved their headquarters in Beverly Hills to Mc Virginia. (Hilton Worldwide, 2012). Hilton HHonors: Marketing is grown from a centre point on the single transaction to developing or becoming increasingly apprehensive with the growth and support of equally satisfying long term relationships with customers. The success story of charity organizations, Tesco, banks, Hotels and others exploiting loyalty schemes is driving companies to take careful note. The most productive relationship marketing campaign makes room for viable benefits and promotes long term relationship with customers which are difficult to replicate (Gilbert, 1996). However, looking at the value proposition of the Hilton organisation, they try to establish loyalty among their customers by striving to delight them and expecting their changing aspiration while making sure that team members, who are important contributors to attaining this objective, are satisfied as well (Huckestein and Duboff, 1999). From this proposition it is obvious that the essential elements of product leadership and customer relationship must be attained. For the Hilton organisation the value and importance of the customer relationship has been elevated via its Hilton HHonors Loyalty programme. Hilton HHonors Benefits: It allows customers to earn both miles and points for a holiday at about 3,750 Hilton hotel brands worldwide and airline miles with partners of over 50 airlines. They provide numerous exclusive ways to accumulate points. Firstly a customer can earn them through hotel stays or with participatory credit cards; or a customer can deliberate on purchasing them if he or she feels shy of the trip to the Caribbean. One can also transfer them to their family who happens to be a member as well. The hotel also provides room to donate extra points to numerous charitable organizations. This loyalty program allows a customer to join free by registering online or offline to get a list of services and benefits that assist with directing a customers travel and rewarding the customers for their loyalty and offering customers with the undivided attention they deserve (Hilton HHonors, 2012). Loyalty Programme Classification: Hilton HHonor can be classified under the type 3 programs, it awards points to members according to their previous purchase or past purchases. This type 3 program needs a complete database that can trace a members purchase history and points. Some type 3 program persuades customers to escalate their purchases or reward substantial purchasers by creating program tiers. Hilton HHonors program provides tiers where substantial or heavy users can without difficulty build up free hotel rooms or can reserve a room on a basis that is unrestricted (Berma,2006). There are other organizations that use the type 3 program and they include Hotels like (Hyatt, Marriott rewards,) Airlines like (American Advantage) Credit card companies like (Discover card: The Mile Card, Citibank Premier Pass Elite,). Lots of type 3 programs include the partnerships of complimentary marketers like airline, car rental and hotel chains etc to enable a members gathering of points and to escalate the category of rewards options (Berma, 2006). HiltonHHonors are in partnership with airline and car rental services to facilitate the gathering of points. (Hilton HHonors, 2012) However, the company has four membership levels which include the Blue, Silver VIP, Gold VIP and Diamond VIP. Its calculated according to the number of stays in a 12 month period. It starts from no smallest amount for the Blue membership to 60 nights in a calendar year for the Diamond VIP membership. Moreover each category of membership has its own exclusive benefit which is: the Silver, Gold and Diamond VIP members are qualified for health club access while the Gold and diamond VIP members are qualified for accommodation upgrades and Only the Diamond VIP members can be assured reservations with their points with no collapsed or blackout dates. (Berma, 2006), Hilton HHonors Credit card: Hilton is known to also have co branded cards and the term co branding may simply mean the use of two or more brand names in marketing activates. This happens with the juxtaposition of brand names by labelling them side by side on a product (Blackett, 1999). Moreover Hilton has a number of co branded cards with financial companies in specific locations like Hilton HHonors cards from American Express, Citibank in the U.S, Platinum Visa card in the UK, Credit card in Germany, Visa card from Sunitomo Mitsui card co. Ltd in Japan etc. However this co branded cards allows customers earn bonus points from everyday purchases like groceries, gas, eating out etc. Customers can claim or redeem these points for flights, free hotel nights or merchandise. (Hilton HHonors, 2012). In further light, According to (McCleary and Weaver, 1991) they claim that Hotel and restaurant loyalty program were inspired by the success of airlines that give customers benefit for repeat purchase. However, these Programs look to improve the customers membership in an exclusive club with rewards from this membership such as gifts, free hotel accommodations etc. For the organisation or company the main aim is to compliment customers for their patronage and make it obvious that the company is very much interested in establishing and sustaining long term relationship with them. Hilton HHonors E- presence: Hilton HHonors has an e-presence ( The value of customer relationship has also been escalated through its loyalty program website. Via this website customers can sign up or register for rewards, hotel reservations, room preferences and so on. The characteristics of the Hilton Honors web site portray product leadership (Hilton HHonors, 2012). This site creates opportunity for interactivity between its members and the scheme in order to encourage brand and customer relationships plus customer data is also being collected and stored for future purposes for direct marketing via emails, Customized emails are sent based on a customers preferences. From the perspective of relationship, it lets customers retrieve their information and statements on the scheme. From the perspective of the brand, the brand web is duplicated and improves in the virtual world (Rowley, 2005). ANALYSIS EMPLOYING (WINER, 2001) CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MODEL Winer, Russell (2001) elaborated on the Customer Relationship Management process Model below; Figure 1.1 (Winer, 2001) Create a Database: Involves construction of customer information file which is the bedrock of customer relationship management. The database ideally should contain Customer transactions (Hotel Reservations), Contacts, explanatory information and rely to marketing incentives over time. However according to (Winer, 2001) Customer interaction quadrant, Hilton should be classified under the High-indirect box (Figure 1.2) Figure 1.2 (Winer, 2001) Customer Interactions Direct Indirect Banks Telecom Retail Airlines Packaged Goods Hotels Drugs Personal computers Internet Infrastructure Furniture Autos High Interaction Frequency Low Meaning they have to work harder to establish an Information file unlike the High -direct box which has quick and easy access to customer database E.g. Tesco. Hilton Database is also collected online up registration for the HHonors program. Analysis: Involves the analysis of established customer data with the aim of segmenting the customers by grouping those with the same behavioural pattern. This is then used to create several product offerings via direct marketing. Hilton does target the most valuable prospects for catalogue mailing and customizes the catalogues to several groups. Customer Selection: having established and analyzed the customer database information, the next step is to deliberate on which Customer group to target with marketing programs. The customers with most preferred segment (Highest purchasing rate) would be chosen first for retention programs followed by other segments. However Hilton applies this before embarking on marketing programs to encourage retention and customer acquisition. This is evident in their four membership levels. Customer Targeting: There are several ways of targeting customers after selection; they involve direct marketing techniques including telemarketing, direct mail and direct sales. This enables a company interact with customers rather than talk at them via television or radio. Hilton mainly invests time and money into telemarketing (Customer service) and direct mails in order to reach a desired audience. However today they seek permission from customers before sending mails. Relationship programs: these are techniques for executing Customer relationship marketing, the aim of this is to provide a higher level of satisfaction to customers than competing firms do. More over research has proven that there is a clear-cut positive relationship between profits and customer satisfaction (Winer, 2001). Mangers need to weight satisfaction levels by delivering performance ahead of customer expectation. Loyalty programs include frequency/Loyalty programs, Rewards programs, Customer service and Community Building. Hilton has taken the frequency/Loyalty program and Customer service as its Relationship Method which has worked to improve profitability. The Hilton HHonors as stated above provides rewards for repeat purchase. Privacy Issues: This extends through the CRM Model (Figure 1.1), Hilton uses database to provide service customers request and as a global brand they share this database with other Hilton worldwide brands to ensure same level of service. Hilton makes sure that personal information are handled according to the law. Usernames and passwords are however created for customers personal use. Metrics: This is the traditional ways managers employ in measuring the success of their product and service. Market Metrix uses Loyalty program effectiveness. It identifies the percentage of customers who affirm that their loyalty membership was the primary reason for picking the hotel. Market Metrix,( 2012) identified that Hilton hotel in 2009 had 34.6%, 2010 had 35.8% and in 2011 had 39.2% showing an increase in profitability. DRAW BACKS There are potential draw back in loyalty schemes, they are expensive, difficult to correct mistakes as the company may be seen by customers as taking away. Benefits; however there is the question whether the scheme actually works to escalate loyalty or spending behaviour plus it is also kind of difficult to have competitive advantage. (Winer, 2001) RECOMMENDATIONS These Loyalty schemes can be successful by elevating customers switching cost and building entry barriers. For the Hotel industry it has become a competitive necessity to create loyalty programs so incentives could also be encouraged for repeat visits to websites even though this has not been greatly successful. CONCLUSION This paper has reviewed some past literature on loyalty schemes along with some scepticism from a few scholars. The idea of the loyalty scheme is growing and becoming more refined each day. Hilton Hotel has created brand web through their loyalty scheme which has be expatiated above (Hilton HHonors) plus they have an E-presence. From the consumer relationship, those that the hotel refers to as most valued customers have considerably escalated their spending at the hotel. This increased or escalated spending is no doubt as a result of the customers envisioning an escalated value in their relationship with the hotel.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Importance Of Supply Chain Management To Organization Management Essay

Importance Of Supply Chain Management To Organization Management Essay Efficient supply chain management is the essential to being able to satisfy market demand and to do so in a way is profitable (Hugos, 2006). Supply chain management of the organization that enables them to deliver the best value to their consumers will generate a strong demand for the organization product or services. When information is shared in between supply chain networks, it can result a more efficient flow of goods and services (Anand Mendelson, 1997), reduced inventory level, and lower costs (Yu, Yan Cheng, 2001), which benefits the overall network. Hence, the organization can do mass manufacturing and mass customization that will offer competitive advantages given that the product life cycle if the product is improve because the organization will offer variety of product to different market segment and consumers preference. For example, Dell became the largest producer for personal computer in the world after they implemented the supply chain management to change their strategy by adopting a direct sales strategy, building every personal computer to order and shipping it directly to the customer (Klinker, Terrell Mahfouz, 2006). 2.2. Supply management 2.2.1. Communication, Trust commitment According to Towill, (1996) decision makers need to depend the overall of the process so they can manage the supply chain as one single company, to minimum uncertainty updated feed forward and feedback information flow coupled with optimal decision making. Hence, organization that trusted the supplier willing to communicate and allow information free flow among them to ease their businesses. Communicate with other organization within the supply chain management that controls their critical resources allow them to compete effectively in their environment (as cited in Samaddar, Nargundkar Daley, 2006). Moreover, supply chain management built on a foundation of trust and commitment among the supply chain members (Lee Billington, 1992). Commitment of partnership in the supply chain management will dedicated their resources to achieve the goal of the supply chain and their performance (Chen Paulraj, 2004). Organization is more and more rely on their trusted supplier to improve the product quality, produce the product faster and reduce the product price so they can compete with their competitors (Liker Choi, 2006). For example, Dell developed a strong relationship with both suppliers and the customers allow it to ensure those computer components are available from supplier to meet customer demand (Taylor, 2005). 2.2.2. Long-term relationships Supplier will become part of the supply chain and have a long relationship on the competiveness of the process of the supply chain with a good supply chain management (Choi Hartley, 1996) .Moreover, information sharing is an important aspect on incorporation and joint inter-organizational relationship (Huang, Lau Mak, 2003).Long-term relationship will create opportunity to capture the synergy of intra and intercompany integration and management (Lambert et al., 1997) Limitation of information in the supply chain will lead to Bullwhip effect such as unnecessary inventory investment, poor customer services, wrong capacity allocation, reduce revenue and missed production (Lee, Padmanabhan, Whang, 1997). Plan along the supply chain and coordinating information can control Bullwhip effect and improve their supply chain relationship and performance (Lee et al. 1997). According to P.Fiala, (2004) information exchange is a very important issue for coordinating actions. If member of the supply chain have free flow information it can reduced their lead time of information such as orders, demand and capacity forecast, point-of-sale data for the whole supply chain. (Lee, So Tang, 2000) find that the benefits of sales information sharing and identified the drivers that have significant impacts. Organization that have long term relationship from the supplier will obtains larger inventory or cost reduction when the demand is highly associated if the lead time is long. Eventually customer will receive a higher quality, cost-effective product in a shorter amount of time. For example, Chrysler Corporation cut their supplier base in half and brought the remaining supplier in on the design of a new generation cars and develop long term relationship based on trust. The long term relationship has helped the organization increase in profit (Braun, Guthrie, McCampbell, Sit). 2.3 Reduce cost Supply chain management system can influence the organization cost for administrative personnel and information purpose to plan and control the flow of inventory (Jonsson, 2008). So the efficiency of supply chain management can reduce the organization inventory and stock cost (Steckel, Gupta Banerji, 2004). The efficiency of the supply chain management allows the organization having the right good at the right time in a right place (Ketchen Hult, 2007). Therefore, organization can deliver their product according to agreement so it can reduce the shortage cost, delay cost arise when late delivery occur to compensate the customers. Besides, organization does not need to hold inventory can reduce their cost of storing their inventory at their warehouse. Without using warehouse organization can save the transportation cost from the warehouse to the organization. Moreover, the cost reduction of the production organization can create customer value by reducing the price of the end users product (Ketchen et al., 2007). For example, Apple Computer is making lose in 1997; Steve Jobs do some changes in the supply chain management has saved the organization by reducing the cost of inventory (Taylor, 2005) 4. Challenges of Supply Chain Management 4.1 Planning Appropriated plan of the supply chain management can get advantages, improperly handled will lead to tragic (Taylor, 2005). Accurate planning is important but planning error will lead to dramatically change in plans (Stadtler, 2004). For example, Kmart Corporation have planning error that the organization crippling its ability it match the price offered by Wal-Mart, the worse is when the organization able to lure back the customer but the supply chain not able to deliver to them in time. Due to the wrong forecast and planning Kmart is now bankrupt (Konicki, 2002). 4.3 Supplier attention Supply chain challenges include lack of supplier attention. While lack of supplier attention will cause late placed orders due to conflicting objectives and goal. Potential issues of vendors, late delivered and wrong delivered allow the project teams potential risks. Early obtaining material will minimize risk such as additional cost. Internal procurement issues also subject to supply chain management (Henrie, 2006). Due to this problem, company cannot managing well as when the material arrive, when the material should be purchase, and how many quantities should be purchase and when the material should be delivered. For example, NASA Company had experience this problem because the project will face shrinkage costs, breakage and additional cost for warehouse (Galluzzi, Zapata, Steele Weck). 4.4 Customer value Customers always change the value perception toward a product, so the organizations will response to the change or predict the change (Flint, 2004). Therefore, organization need to response toward the challenge by doing research on how the value perception of the customer change and improve their prediction and planning process. Competitive advantage can be gain if organization can predict their customer perception of the end user product (Slater, 1997).

Monday, August 19, 2019

Othello :: essays research papers

In William Shakespeare's Othello there is a wide array of themes. One of the themes, which is found true to nearly every character, is of the act of control throughout the play. Another theme portrayed through Iago, is the recurring use of words such as "monkey", "lion", etc. in "romantic" conversation. 	In Othello, characters such as Roderigo, Brabantio, Desdemona, etc. at one point of the play believe that they have complete control over another character or situation only to find that the person or situation is uncontrollable. For instance, in the first scene of the play Roderigo is interested in courting Desdemona so he pays Iago to intercede with her on his behalf. Roderigo now believes that his money has bought him complete control over Iago, but when he finds out of Othello and Desdemona's marriage, he is angry at Iago and tells him,"I take it much unkindly that thou, Iago, who hast had my purse as if the strings were thine, shouldst know of this." However throughout the play Roderigo is still convinced that his money is helping to control Iago, and by the time he finds out that he has lost control, he has already been mortally wounded by Iago. Another example of this theme occurs between the main characters of the play Othello and Iago. Since Othello is a se asoned warrior and leader of the Venetian army, he believes that everyone underneath him will abide by his rulings and commands. And since Othello has had a long term relationship with Iago, he has even more trust and faith in him. But Iago sees this and decides to take advantage of Othello. This is first observed when Iago and Roderigo are speaking of their plan to get Othello against Cassio. After Roderigo exits, Iago lets the audience know of how he will be able to control and lead Othello around. Because of this Othello, who was the controller, has now become controlled by Iago. And the final example that the theme of control is present in the play Othello portrayed through Desdemona. This occurs at the point in the play after the fight between Cassio and Roderigo. Cassio is begging of Desdemona to help him get his job back as lieutenant of the Venetian Army. The newlywed Desdemona is so positive that she can convince Othello to reconcile with him, that she promises Cassio: Do not doubt that: before Emilia here I give thee warrant of thy place.

lord of the files :: essays research papers

lord of the files Science 10 ecology project ① Extinction of species  A species becomes extinct when its last representative dies.  Extinction is forever - Once a species become extinct will never been seen again.  This has happened quite a lot of times on Earth.  Due, in many cases, to colonization and hunting by humans.  People feel that extinction is very sad, and try to protect life-forms on the brink of extinction by naming them "endangered species" and being nice to them.  Each living organism which humans force into extinction is a tragedy for nature.  Over fishing or excessive hunting by humans can reduce the populations of certain organisms on Earth.  Animals are hunted for their fur, meat or other valuable parts of their bodies. 1. lost of habitat  Sometimes human activities destroy the habitats of living organisms. The habitat of an organism is its home: where it lives, feeds, and reproduces.  Many species have become extinct because humans have destroyed or modified their habitats, polluted their environment  Human influences on the environment can be considered as being influences on the habitats of living organisms.  Any time humans alter the hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere or biosphere, habitats are modified  Survival can become more challenging (or even impossible) for the organisms which live there.  When hunters miss their target, the lead shot which comes out of the gun is left behind in nature. Lead is a toxic metal.  The main component of a panda's diet is bamboo. Bamboo forests have been cut down by humans for centuries. 2. lost of biodiversity  This collection of vastly varied living organisms is our planet's biodiversity.  The richest parts of the planet's biodiversity are also the least well-known. It is estimated that 97% of all species on Earth live in the oceans below the zone where sunlight penetrates the water.  On the continents, it is estimated that 50% of all land-dwelling species live in tropical rainforests.  Throughout the history of the Earth, as new species evolve, other species become extinct. Overall, as time has progressed, there are more and more different kinds of organisms.  Human activities today are exterminating species up to 10 times faster than they would naturally disappear.  As the numbers of people increase, the numbers of species decrease.  3. Introduction of exotic species  Humans have helped to spread many species across the world.  More often, however, species are introduced accidentally and have a negative impact.  Plant species used in agriculture, for example, have been deliberately introduced to new areas by humans.  Sometimes wild animals are introduced for hunting as a sport.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay examples -- Literary Analysis

In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain uses Jim as the moral center of the story to depict the hardships, racial obstacles, and stereotypes that blacks endured during the era of American slavery. Dating back to the 1600’s and during the harsh cruelty of the American slave era comes the inspiring story of a black man in search of a new start. Among many other slaves, Jim is brought to an unjust, nefarious reality as he endures the oppression of racial discrimination. Throughout American history, many blacks grew up constantly bearing the unforgiving rancor of whites. A discriminating social system emerged, establishing white supremacy. Sadly, whites claimed superiority over any non-white and attacked many traits of these lower groups including their intelligence, roles in society and their emotions as human beings. In many parts of the story, Jim is viewed by the whites around him as a dullard. Jim seems to do whatever he is told with the notion that whites know best . Later Huck and Tom, both white children, devise a plan to rescue Jim from his capture. Although the two boys are significantly younger than Jim, the black slave chooses to listen to them because of the color of their skin: â€Å"Jim he couldn’t see no sense in the most of it, but he allowed [the boys were] white folks and knowed better than him† (Twain 188). During the slave era, the color white symbolized intelligence, a force to intimidate and control others. Jim’s statement reflects the insecurity that had been forged within him by the outside white force. He fails to understand the terms of the plan to set him free but understands that the immature children know what is best-- for they are white. Moreover, slavery forced blacks into many subordinate roles. S... ...ce of the times he has spent with them. At one point, Jim reflects on an incident when he has struck his child out of anger. After realizing the reason for her disobedience, her loss of hearing, he pleads to God, â€Å"de Lord God Amighty fogive po’ ole Jim, kaze he never qwyne to fogive hisself as long’s he live!† (Twain 118). He discovers â€Å"she was plumb deef en dumb†¦ en [he had] ben a-treat’n her so!† (Twain 118). With the sound of a distant whack, Jim is flooded with guilt and regret. He relates the sound to a past which he will never be able to forgive himself for. The once buried feelings for his family finally surface, vivified with a new sense of emotion for his loved ones. On the outside Jim is a slave, a black creature who endures the callous twists of life. Under his skin, however, he is a father, an honest and caring person and most importantly a human.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Public Enterprises

What are the Objectives of Public Enterprises? SOUMYA SINGH In India, public enterprises have been assigned the task of realising the objectives laid down in the Directive Principles of State Policy. Public sector as a whole seeks: (a) to gain control of the commanding heights of the economy, (b) to promote critical development in terms of social gain or strategic value rather than on consideration of profit, and (c) to provide commercial surplus with which to finance further economic development. The main objectives of public enterprises in India are as follows: 1. Economic development:Public enterprises were set up to accelerate the rate of economic growth in a planned manner. These enterprises have created a sound industrial base for rapid industrialisation of the country. They are expected to provide infrastructure facilities for promoting balanced and diversified economic structure of development. 2. Self-reliance: Another aim of public enterprises is to promote self-reliance in strategic sectors of the national economy. For this purpose, public enterprises have been set up in transportation, communication, energy, petro-chemicals, and other key and basic industries. . Development of backward Areas: Several public enterprises were established in backward areas to reduce regional imbalances in development. Balanced development of different parts of the country is necessary for social as well as strategic reasons. 4. Employment generation: Unemployment has become a serious problem in India. Public enterprises seek to offer gainful employment to millions. In order to protect jobs, several sick units in the private sector have been nationalised. 5. Economic surplus: Public enterprises seek to generate and mobilise surplus for reinvestment.These enterprises earn money and mobilise public savings for industrial development. 6. Egalitarian society: An important objective of public enterprises is to prevent concentration of economic power and growth of private mon opolies. Public sector helps the Government to enforce social control on trade and industry for ensuring equitable distribution of goods and services. Public enterprises protect and promote small scale industries. 7. Consumer welfare: Public enterprises seek to protect consumers from exploitation and profiteering by ensuring supply of essential commodities at cheaper prices.They aim at stabilising prices. 8. Public utilities: Private sector is guided by profit motive. Therefore, it is reluctant to invest money in public utility services like water supply, gas, electricity, public transport. Therefore, the Government has to assume responsibility for providing such services. 9. Defence: Government has to set up public enterprises for production of defence equipment. Supply of such equipment cannot be entrusted for private sector due to the need for utmost secrecy. 10. Labour welfare: Public enterprises serve as model employers.They ensure welfare and social security of employees. Many public enterprises have developed townships, schools, college and hospitals for their workers. Role and Rationale of Public Enterprises The public sector has been playing a vital role in the economic development of the country. In fact the public sector has come to occupy such an important place in our economy that on its effective performance depends largely the achievement of the country's economic and social goals. Public sector is considered a powerful engine of economic development and an important instrument of self-reliance.The main contributions of public enterprises to the country's economy may be described as follows: 1. Filling of gaps: At the time of independence, there existed serious gaps in the industrial structure of the country, particularly in the field of heavy industries. Basic and key industries require huge capital investment, involve considerable risk and suffer from long gestation periods. Private sector concerns do not come forward to establish such industr ies. Public sector has helped to fill up these gaps. The basic infrastructure required for rapid industrialisation has been built up, through the production of strategic capital goods.The public sector has considerably widened the industrial base of the country and speeded up the pace of industrialisation. 2. Employment: Public sector has created millions of jobs to tackle the unemployment problem in the country. Public sector accounts for about two-third of the total employment in the organised industrial sector in India. By taking over many sick units, the public sector has protected the employment of millions. Public sector has also contributed a lot towards the improvement of working and living conditions of workers by serving as a model employer. 3. Balanced regional development:Private industries tend to concentrate in certain regions while other regions remain backward. Public sector undertakings have located their plants in backward and untraded parts of the country. These a reas lacked basic industrial and civic facilities like electricity, water supply, township and manpower. Public enterprises have developed these facilities thereby bringing about complete transformation in the social-economic life of the people in these regions. Steel plants of Bhilai, Rourkela and Durgapur; fertilizer factory at Sindri, machine tool plants in Rajasthan, precision instruments plants in Kerala and Rajasthan, etc. are a few examples of the development of backward regions by the public sector. 4. Optimum utilisation of resources: Public enterprises make better utilisation of scarce resources of the country. They are big in size and able to enjoy the benefits of large scale operations. They help to eliminate wasteful completion and ensure full use of installed capacity. Optimum utilisation of resources results in better and cheaper production. 5. Mobilisation of surplus: The profits earned by public enterprises are reinvested for expansion and diversification. Moreover, public sector concerns like banks and financial nstitutions mobilise scattered public savings thereby helping the process of capital formation in the country. Public enterprises earn considerable foreign exchange through exports. 6. Self reliance: Public enterprises have reduced considerably the need for imports by producing new and better products within the country. These enterprises are also earning considerable amount of foreign exchange through exports. 7. Socialistic pattern of society: Public sector is an instrument for realising social objectives. Public enterprises help to check concentration of wealth and private monopolies.These enterprises can serve as powerful means of economic and social change. 8. Public welfare: Public enterprises help in the establishment of a welfare state in the country. These enterprises supply essential commodities at cheaper rates. A proper balance between demand and supply is created to protect consumers against exploitation by profit hungry businessmen. Public enterprises also protect and promote the interests of workers. Criticism of Public Enterprises [Arguments against Public Enterprises] Public enterprises are opposed on account of weaknesses in their organisation and working.These enterprises generally suffer from the following problems: 1. Delay in completion: Often a very long time is taken in the establishment and completion of public enterprises. Delay in completion leads to increase in the cost of establishment and benefits extracted from them are delayed. 2. Faulty evaluation: Public enterprises are in some cases set upon political considerations. There is no proper evaluation of demand and supply and expected costs and benefits. There are no clear cut objectives and guidelines. In the absence of proper project planning there is under- utilisation of capacity and wastage of national resources. . Heavy overhead costs: Public enterprises often spend huge amounts on providing housing and other amenities to empl oyees. Though such investment is useful for employees but it takes away a large part of capital and the project suffers from financial difficulties. 4. Poor returns: Majority of the public enterprises in India are incurring loss. In some of them the profits earned do not yield a reasonable return on huge investment. Lack of effective financial controls, wasteful expenditure and dogmatic pricing policy result in losses 5. Inefficient management:Due to excessive centralisation of authority and lack of motivation public enterprises are managed inefficiently. High level posts are often occupied by persons lacking necessary expertise but enjoying political support. 6. Political interference: There is frequent interference from politicians and civil servants in the working of public enterprises. Such interference leaves little scope for initiative and freedom of action. Public enterprises enjoy little autonomy and flexibility of operations. 7. Labour problems: In the absence of proper man power planning public enterprises suffer from over-staffing.Jobs are created to fulfil employment goals of the Government. Guarantee of job in these enterprises encourages trade unions to be militant in pursuing their aims. Growth of Public Enterprises in India At the time of independence, public sector in India was confined mainly to railways, communications, defence production and public utility services. Since then the growth of public enterprises has been very rapid. Now public sector consists of public utilities (e. g. , railways, post and telegraph, etc), manufacturing concerns (e. g. , BHEL, SAIL, etc. ), trading organisations (e. g. STC, MMTC, etc. ), service organisations (e. g. , NIDC, RITES, etc. ). SAIL, a Maharatna Company of Govt. of India, is the world's leading and India's largest steel producer with an annual turnover of around Rs. 50,348 crore (FY11-12). It operates and owns 5 integrated steel plants at Rourkela, Bhilai, Durgapur, Bokaro and Burnpur and 3 special s teel plants at Salem, Durgapur and Bhadravati. As part of its global ambition the Company is implementing a massive expansion plan involving project work of building/adding new facilites with emphasis on state of the art green technology.List of Maharatna, Navratna and Miniratna CPSEs As per available information (as on February, 2013) Maharatna CPSEs Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Coal India Limited GAIL (India) Limited Indian Oil Corporation Limited NTPC Limited Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited Steel Authority of India Limited Navratna CPSEs Bharat Electronics Limited Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited Hindustan Aeronautics Limited Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited National Aluminium Company Limited NMDC Limited Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited Oil India LimitedPower Finance Corporation Limited Power Grid Corporation of India Limited Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited Rural Electrification Corporation Limited Shipping Corporation of I ndia Limited Miniratna Category – I CPSEs Airports Authority of India Antrix Corporation Limited Balmer Lawrie & Co. Limited Bharat Dynamics Limited BEML Limited Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited Bridge & Roof Company (India) Limited Central Warehousing Corporation Central Coalfields Limited Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited Cochin Shipyard Limited Container Corporation of India Limited Dredging Corporation of India LimitedEngineers India Limited Ennore Port Limited Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited Goa Shipyard Limited Hindustan Copper Limited HLL Lifecare Limited Hindustan Newsprint Limited Hindustan Paper Corporation Limited Housing & Urban Development Corporation Limited India Tourism Development Corporation Limited Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation Limited IRCON International Limited KIOCL Limited Mazagaon Dock Limited Mahanadi Coalfields Limited Manganese Ore (India) Limited Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemical Limited Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited MMT C Limited MSTC LimitedNational Fertilizers Limited National Seeds Corporation Limited NHPC Limited Northern Coalfields Limited Numaligarh Refinery Limited ONGC Videsh Limited Pawan Hans Helicopters Limited Projects & Development India Limited Railtel Corporation of India Limited Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited RITES Limited SJVN Limited Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Limited South Eastern Coalfields Limited State Trading Corporation of India Limited Telecommunications Consultants India Limited THDC India Limited Western Coalfields Limited WAPCOS Limited Miniratna Category-II CPSEsBharat Pumps & Compressors Limited Broadcast Engineering Consultants (I) Limited Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited Ed. CIL (India) Limited Engineering Projects (India) Limited FCI Aravali Gypsum & Minerals India Limited Ferro Scrap Nigam Limited HMT (International) Limited HSCC (India) Limited India Trade Promotion Organisation Indian Medicines & Pharmaceuticals Corporation Limited M E C O N Limited National Film Development Corporation Limited National Small Industries Corporation Limited P E C Limited Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited